Music List II : Taiwanese singers who concerning about our society in this decade.

Guide (You should read it before you want to continue watch those content):

  • Purple sentences = social issue or real event , and all of it will connect with the following songs, I will introduce you in simple way .
  • Underline key words = a link , I usually put a link from Wikipedia.
  • About those content, it includes some sensitive words or topics, and my subjective opinions, if you feel unwell, plz leave this page.

I hope you like my list , enjoy it ~

The unfair military justice system :

Since 1987, the lifting martial law in Taiwan , we have been through more than 30 years. We have our independent government, and the law of protecting our freedom. However, old court-martial had been using from the year 1987 to 2013. In 2013, the death of Hung Chung-chiu case pointed out unfair justice and military abuse in our military system.

A forced relocation case in Taiwan:

Dapu incident , it was in the same year 2013 , and that time the ruling party was KMT (This political party hasn’t essential difference with CCP , they do lots of crazy things).

Mayday is really famous band in Taiwan, the vocalist and lyrics writer is Ashin. Mayday is good at pop and rock music, their songs usually give the positive way and tell the encouraging stories, but sometimes they also criticize our society.

This song was released in 2013, it’s called “Song of battle" (that original meaning is ancient military using the tactical formation and drums to start a war ), and one chinese drama choses it to be their opening theme song.

Especially, two social cases converted into this music video, and the real demonstrations’ photo had been putted in the ending part .

LGBT & LGBTQ in Taiwan:

From 2019 to now, the legal same-sex marriage is a milestone in Taiwan.

( And you also can find another topic on internet: For minority groups and disadvantaged social groups , we still have many discrimination problems in Taiwan, for example,an traditional ideal and the church-based countermovement are a big handicap when we want to fight for human right.)

AMei is most successful singer in Taiwan, her two stage names are AMei and AMit. And her voice is unique and powerful, then her music style is Pop+Rock+Reggae.

This song was released in 2009 ( but i chose the concert version in 2020 ), it’s called " Rainbow". Why I chose this song? Because in 2018, a several taiwanese youtubers were covering this song in order to encourage taiwanese citizens to vote in referendum.

Jolin Tsai, she is my favorite taiwanese singer! Her music style is Pop.And her two popular albums are “Play"( 2014) and " Ugly Beauty" ( 2018).

This music video was released in 2014, included in “Play" album.

About this video’s background , it is adapted a true event that one serious illness lesbian was hospitalized ,and her lover can’t sign her hospital affidavit (because they haven’t " legal family relationship".) However, in this video, even though this patien was passed away , she is etched forever in her lover’s mind and, finally her lover bravely spoke out to medical personnel/ audience :" Yes, she is my wife" .

The sense of equal gender :

In Taiwan, i thought that we haven’t enough the education of equal gender , and we can’t learn how to identify and respect our spirit gender neither. Some parents avoid that type of issues, even our school ignore that too.

Unfortunately in 2000, a young male student , who named Ye Yong-Zhi, his mysterious death shocked our society that he died in the junior high school’s toilet.
Then , we figured out that the Ye Yong-Zhi incident mixed school bullying and gender discrimination ( due to his “female" apparence and behaviours). In the end, our government made Gender Equality Act in 2004.

This video was released in 2018, included in " Ugly Beauty" album. And this song helped Jolin Tsai to win an award in the 30th Golden Melody Awards.

“Womxnly" ,it commemorates for the Ye Yong-Zhi incident. Jolin and her dancer team did a lot of modern dance in this video.

Deserts Xuan, or you can call her “Anpu" too. Her music style is Rock+Folk, and her classic song is “Bao Bei " (Which means “Baby").

This song was released in 2012, it’s called " You in rose-colored". I thought that this music video mentions not only the Ye Yong-Zhi incident , but also the victims who sacrificed in the several protests.

We can see that rose symbolises a hope, a love, and even …a blood in the video. To this lyrics , it seems very abstract that we need to think deeply.

The one lost period & one missing generation in Taiwan:

Back to the time of WWII, taiwanese struggled surviving under influence of japanese colonialism and, the tyranny power of KMT. Beside, japanese colonial government forced recruiting taiwanese indigenous people (or taiwanese original tribe) to be royal/ volunteer soldier in their army system. And there has big recruiting raison that tribe people have lots of experience in Jungle warfare due to their mountain habitation, so japanese also called them " Takasago “.

On the other hand, after WWII, KMT occupied Taiwan (we had been through a long time of persecution by their military government from 1947 to 1987), they suspected every taiwanese who used to work with japanese official job, of course, they weren’t identifying the right of attribution for those kind of persons (ex. soldier, elite,official businessman etc) . So they putted those people in prison , and even killed or deported them. That’ s why we called them “the missing generation".

Chthonic is famous heavy-metal rock band in Taiwan, their music style is death metal +folk metal rock. And they solicitude on social problems so, they would put it into the song. Then specially their lead vocalist is Freddy Lim , now he also is a taiwanese politician in our parliament.

In fact, this music video is about anti-war theme , this taiwanese version was released in 2011. It describes a story in the real history that taiwanese tribe people sacrificed heroically their life in WWII.
We can see that there has taiwanese tribe people who did a tattoo on their face, a face tattoo symbolises mature and brave. Those people went to " Takao " ( it was a ancient port in south Taiwan, now it’s in Kaohsiung) where was a line of material / army supply during WWII.

This song has three versions, here i chose those two versions all in taiwanese , but they play totally different music style in video , one is for metal rock ( 2013) , another is for folk + Enka (2014) (it’s a special singing skill from Japan, and we adopted it in taiwanese.)

Those two versions shed light on two historic things, 228 Massacre and White Terror . Bu-Tik palace was a first battle scene of the 228 Massacre , and no matter metal rock version or folk version in video , they all show us the tragic period in Taiwan.

National identity…or Love Taiwan? :

(National identity not equal with Nationalism .) That’s hot topic in this ten years.

In my way of thinking, taiwanese need an assurance from others of their own worth since early time, plus some of taiwanese are always bad-mouthing this island so that we lack confidence in own country. But we’re feeling bullish about the development of Taiwan recently, and national identity would be a kind of cohesion.

Dwagie is famous rapper in Taiwan, his music style is Hip-Pop , and he really caring about our society that his songs have been usually connected with it. Then i like his others songs, such as " WHO " and " Taiwan SONG “.

Musipolitics , it was released in 2020. This song mentions a point of view that famous person should pass on their political correctness to public people .
( Political correctness, it is not meaning that we should agree or join one political opinion/party, it means that we should have an impartial attitude/languge/behaviour to see the thing.)
